the new yet final school term for my entire academic life is dawning.
dawning, yes in both sense of the word:
the sun starting to trascend in this dark night in the horizon
and in 4 hours i will be in school feeling reborn again into the new term.
why entire academic term you may ask?
well for starters it is my penultimate year,
but importantly i doubt i'll advance my formal education anymore:
i never had really considered Masters anyway.
2005 has been great though i can't recall why.
ironic it may seem but it's just me i just don't do them.
Reflections that is. Like counting your blessings at the end of a year.
i'm not sure why though. I think it has to be my bad memory.
Or that i just live by each day, basking in each memory instantenously
whether it be sad, sorrow, envy, love, hate, excitement, fun, happiness,
contenment, desire, enthusiasm, lust, pride, pity.. wow!
.. all the memories are rushing back to me
but the most estactic moment in 2005 worth mentioning is
the moment when a fren called to tell me that i won the book prize
happiness is best when success is least expected but secretly desired i guess
of course the book prize is sth desirable but i never really eyed for it
when it was announced, i ws quite in disbelief and i had to convince myself
that hey i worked hard so i DID deserve it! Hehe. Coolness i say!
so yes in 4 hrs i will be in school not for my first class of the term but
for the presentation of the book prize along followed by lunch
oh how i dread lunching with people i am not really comfortable with
a prof and the guy who gave the award
thank god there's 2 other winners around too
so what can i expect in 2006? come forth i say
i am certain it will remain to be filled wit countless dilemmas
of choosing between flute, tarian, salsa, hip hop, friends, family and advertising
i am certain it will be as eventful as any other year. but more so the graduation!
and a key chapter in life closed only to find a new one opened:
My career. Decisions have to be made. Dilemma yet again.
Of course there will be lots of crazy, happy and fun-tastic moments
but there will also be sporadic feelings of self-pity, self-doubt, loneliness, discontentment,
BUT we are all are humans. so i tell myself its okay!
God gave us feelings for a reason, probably we're only truly human if
if we experience the full spectrum of feelings that God has invented?
i look forward for the year. i am certain it will be fulfilling one.
One resolution i have is to have more meaningul relationships with the people i adore, treasure & love.
Oh yes and of course the one resolution which i have aptly yet to accomplish-
to quit procrastinating!!
Or maybe i should quit procrastinating like in... 2007 instead?
Come forth 2006!