performing at MOS tmrw!
i'm performing a hip hop number for the school's freshman bash at MOS tmrw! so kewl. It would be very likely my last hip hop performance for Eurythmix. Sob sob. But its at MOS omg. I'm glad that its happening. my once dream to join emix has materialized and coming to an end. i think its quite cool that the last performance is for the bash at the Ministry of Sound!
i love the chereograhy though im not really ONE with it yet.. :p However, i pray that my last emix performance will be a smashing (in a positive way ok!) one! hehe.
on and on!
oh yeah prob will be the last time i attend the bash at SMU, feeling old plus.. wake up fadzli!.. i;ve graduated! LOL. i can't believe i've been going for the freshman bash every year. I love clubbing! :P and dancing!
and i def miss dancing with emix. i dun think any of these people read my blog but im gonna document my apreciation anyways:
the committe- thk u for giving me a chance to join emix!! albeit my final year, being in Caderas too. I REALLY APRECIATE IT! muacks!
Nicole- thk u for helping me out with the steps esp in the begining. always very encouraging. muacks! and Michelle too!
the guys- the freshies cause theyre the only guys. thks for making me feel that im not too old for it. i enjoy ur company. was fun learning hip hop together. thks for the support and friendship. luv u Justin, Weida, Jiansiong, Vik, Tengren and Yiwei!
the girls- so much to name! haha love watching them dance! and so fun too! hehe i wished i can stay longer to be cheekier! LOL
Carol & Sheila- for ur patience!! and encouragment!!
(p.s i dun drink!)
(p.p.s i have a natural high. or should i say music is me drug!)