Wednesday, December 21, 2005

i love my mommy!

my mother, or ibu which is what i usually call her, is the nicest person really!

she offered to paid for my Phone + Internet bills which is like long overdue! ($300++) Yippie! She's such a saviour! Always so generous despite only getting an average pay from the production line.

I always have admired my mother. I think shes's a super mom, really. I am really proud to have such a strong and hardworking mom. Despite working 12 hour shifts at the factory, she still manages to cook, do housework, etc. Sometimes i wonder how she can take it, but i think its probably because she has done it for so long: she sometimes share anecdotes on how she helped my grandma to sell goreng pisangs back in the kampong days.. I learnt a lot from her, like tenacity, generosity among such. I wish i have her punctuality and her money-savvyness.

Anyway, yeah, she's always there for me. Like how she helped me with the flute installments. How she and my dad sponsored my new phone very recently. List goes on... I dunno what i 'd do without her!

Annyway, we both had a visit to the dentist after lunch today. She plucked out a tooth and did some fillings. I did my fillings and also polishing! ANd as usual, i got good comments from the dentist about my teeth! And i proudly tell them i floss at least once a week! Hehe.. I think the scariest thing about the visit was the sound of the tools vibrating on your teeth.. Its eeks.. but i managed! :D To think that its been more than 2 years sonce my last visit to one- after NS when i got 2 wisdom teeth extracted. Ouch!

THe trip remidned me of younger days when they had like regular scheduled visits to the dentists when we're in secondary and especially primary school! So nostalgic. I remembered those days, this indian lady dentist was nice and always say that my teeth is in good condition. Well, most of the time that is.

Anyway yeah, i treasure times spent with mom especially on her off days which coincide with my freer days (i.e holidays). Where we go lunch and have some time together... :D

(She'll be working tommorrow for the afternoon shift)

God Bless her!


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