Tuesday, September 20, 2005

quest for perfection

the salsa performance was great today! Im sooo glad the Casino went a OK! despite the last minute changes and our 2 mini casinos late nite yesterday.. And the last minute refreseher really helps too.

The ironic thing was i screwed up for the Ran Kan Kan guys shines!!!! Arrggh.. damn. But was so cool that i dint panic and managed to join back soon after... YAY.. All thks to Coelho who shouted that i was wrong.. haha.. Hugs!

WIshed that my friends like Siti, Izan, CHeryl, Hana, Myra, Aishah was there.. and my sis also la.. since the latter always complain whenever i practice salsa at home.. she'd prob appreciate it and me at least slightly impressed with the final moves! :p Oh yeah thks to those who supported (deen..)

But.. albeit my relief and happiness; i would love to be more satsified with myself. Hence my quest for perfection is all but there.. I need to practice more and practice i will! i swear ill practice twice as much personally my next performances...

Okie, hmmm dat makes it the dikir barat this thursday!! Darn... so little time I have yet to memorize the songs and the sequence of the chereography...

keeping my fingers crossed..

oh yeah! My parents saw my 'maksiat' performance! (maksiat-sinful in islam) Okie its not that bad la.. albeit intimate... so far so good.. they didnt violently object to it.. hehe :p

Happy 20th Birthday Khai!!!



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