Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Clumsy me.

my toe bled and skin was torn quite badly till i felt faint. i thought of just fainting if i wasn't with my little cousin.

i was strolling (and shuffling my feet) happily with my little cute cousin Nash back from the a haircut, a trip to buy carrot cake, ice cream and stopover at POSB singing and humming to Siti Nurhaliza's "Not Ordinary Love". My verse, abruptly halted by the shock i had. At first it felt just like a normal bang- those that i usually get from carelessly knocking into walss, table edges, staircases, etc. Then, to my horror. I looked down to see a bloodied toe with quite a fair bit of skin peeled or should i say torn from the impact. The sight of it make me feel faint: my heart and body almost instantaneously weaken. It was a weird feeling: disgusted, pained (mostly psychologically) and almost nauseating. i told Nash not to look. And i tried not to too but i kept imagining it so might as well. limped home. do the usual moaning and groaning not to supress the almost non existent pain but rather to 'calm' my self and soothe the disgusted feeling.

It took me almost 10 minutes before i got the courage to rinse it off. And surprise! It didnt hurt a bit even with the jet spray.. Lol! I refused to bandage it properly nor apply ointment. i hate the eeks sensation- the one you get from dettol on wounds. YUCKS! (reminded me of the reasons why i am not into soccer, rugby or the likes..)

ANyway it wasn't that bad after all really. In the end i wrap it off with tissue and kitchen paper and used a plaster to keep them in place.

Its fun, screaming haha. But of course i know its really not painful just scary.

Ok, gotta get back to work on the monthly updates for FACT.

(p.s if u need the gory pic to experience how i felt, do drop me a line! Hehe!)


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