Tuesday, October 05, 2004

What Happened Since

It's been quite a while since my last entry hence what happened since.

Maybe i shall relate to you what happened in an irritating, reverse chronological order? haha. yup, here goes!

I am in school now and on the quest to complete individual parts for 2 of my projects before meeting tommorrow. Had dinner at lovely Sofra Restaurant with Deen's OBS group. (which ironically HE was absent for instead of me, despite my dire financial situation!) Had Marketing Research project meeting in school. Had in depth interviews with secondary school students at KAP MacDonald's. Mom said she would give me $200 cash for my present!! Yay!! Woke up.

Enjoyed a lovely day of solitude. Felt recharged. Watched Gilmore Girls- can feel for her (she dropped a course in Yale!) Tried Levis 505 Jeans which was on sale and waist size 33 is way cool esp at only $65.99!! Probably buying it soon! Went window shopping around Jurong Point. Had a great cool haricut- again- for a mere $10!!! Wow! Its my Birthday- i am 23 years old!!!!!

(hmmm.. can someone remind me what happened?? It seems that this part of my memory is removed. Sorta like the lobotomy in "The Eternal SUnshine of the Spotless Mind" when Kate Winslet & Jim Carrey had their memories removed so that they can forget about each other.. haha)

Had dinner at Suntec. Skipped band- felt guilty. Dilemma. Should i skip? Birthday surprise by Floorball peeps in CR 6!!! hehe. Faith Talks. MR meeting. Hand in Drop form for BP. Got his signature. Met Prof Wu. Printed Drop form.

Decided to drop, withdraw from Business Processes so that the expected bad grade won't pull down my GPA. screwed up Mid term- big time!!! Took BP mid term paper. Studied for BP paper.



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